How To Clean A Carpet Stain

How To Clean Up A Spill On Carpet

Pet Accidents - Grease - Oil - Ink - Red Wine - Coffee - Blood - Rust - Food - Cosmetics - Dirt - and Grime


If you spill food on your carpet I will give you some simple tips and tricks on how to clean it up.

First thing you want to do is pick the spill up from the outer edge to the center. Pick up the spill with your hands or a spoon. Be careful to pick up the spill with a paper towel because you run the risk of smearing it and making it bigger.

Once you remove the solid of the spill then you need to blot the spot with a micro fiber towel. The towel can be a paper towel or a micro fiber towel. Blot the spot by taking the towel and push straight down onto the spill, do not rub, just blot. Hold pressure down onto the spot for a few seconds. Then pick the towel up and see if the stain is transferring to the towel. If the stain is still transferring fold the towel to a clean spot on the towel and blot the stain again. Repeat the process until it stops transferring.

After the stain stops transferring to the towel you want to rinse the spill with clean water. To rinse with water you want to use a spray bottle filled with cool to warm water. With the spray bottle spray the spill but don't saturate the spot, then blot with a clean towel.

Spray the spill with Proxi Spray and walk away.

If you are looking for professional carpet cleaning chemicals call (224) 805-6456 and I can supply you with professional chemicals and carpet cleaning equipment.